What is Geomancy? Geomancy literally means, “divining the Earth”. It is an ancient art that analyses the subtle earth energies that ebb and flow throughout the landscape, influencing health and wealth, home, garden, and office alike. Geomancy works harmoniously...
Meet The Clair’s
Meet the Clair’s Sensing the world around you …… psychic sense. One of the questions that I am often asked is how does a psychic or intuitive get their information. You may be surprized to know that we all are psychic, it is an ability that we are all born...
What Is An Empath?
The Empath: A person who can feel the emotions of others even though they themselves are not going through the same situation. Long before I was able to understand myself as an empath or someone who was energetically and intuitively sensitive with people,...
Do Animals Understand Time?
One of the questions I am asked and something that I used to wonder about myself is “Do animals understand time?” And, if so, how? In my years as a dog trainer and during my training, we were taught that animals live in the present and basically have NO concept...
Do Animals Have a Soul?
I am aware that this is not something that you may believe in, but many different cultures and religions do believe in reincarnation. Firstly, I would like to say that you do not need to believe in reincarnation to be able to communicate with animals in spirit. ...
What Is Divination?
Divination: The practice of seeking knowledge of the future or the unknown by supernatural means; the art of knowing without knowing why. Divination is a widespread cultural practice that takes varied forms worldwide. It can be diagnostic, forecasting, and...
The Power of Crystals For Wellness
Growing up I always loved anything that sparkled and my first memory of being given a crystal, was when I was around four years old. The crystal was given to me by the girl that lived next door to me, and her name was Maria. To this day I still have a very strong...
The Bach Flower System
You may already be familiar with Rescue Remedy, but the Bach Flower is a system of 38 energy healing remedies made from wild plants, flowers, and trees. I am going to explore the philosophy behind Bach and the opportunity that the system presents to help...
What Is Reiki?
Reiki ( pronounced Ray-Key) is a system of natural healing involving the laying on of hands, near to the body or absent healing. Near to body would mean within close contact of the physical body, but without touching and absent healing is when the person...
The Human-Animal Connection – Are You Teaching Your Animal To Act Sick?
When I first became interested in developing my animal communication skills, one of the topics that was spoken about was mirroring. Where our animals mirror and reflect their behaviour in ourselves. One of the subject areas that resonated with me was how many...