Trance Mediumship


Trance is a form of mediumship where I use my channelling tools in a more direct way.   Trance is an altered state which allows a more direct form of communication to take place, removing my conscious mind to receive channellings of a higher nature to be delivered to you.

Trance is used to deliver insight, teaching, wisdom, healing and communication.  Trance allows the blending of deeper energies and is only carried out with consent of myself and my Spirit team.

As the term mental mediumship implies, communication takes place mind to mind, I then communicate the message or healing or inspiration received from the Spirit world to you.

 Trance is a way of communicating with the higher realms, bringing love and light to you verbally, inspirationally or through healing, giving support and encouragement. 

This session is for you if …

  • You are wanting a deeper connection from your own Spirit team, helpers or workers.
  • You are looking for a deeper level of healing.
  • You are wanting a message of inspiration from your higher self and your guides.

So that you can …

  • Feel the presence of Spirit close to you.
  • Receive a message that connects deep with your soul.
  • Embrace a deeper form of healing that vibrates through the body on all levels – from spirit, through spirit, to spirit.


There are 2 options …

Trance Session

Receive a channelled message from your loved ones in Spirit.

Healing and Inspiration Session

Receive trance healing – bringing through Spirit Guides, Ascended Masters and the Angelic Realm.

Investment = £100

Trance Mediumship


All sessions that we provide are delivered for research, spiritual and entertainment purposes only and we do not warrant or guarantee the relevancy, accuracy or quality of any information provided during a session. Any outcomes or results can vary and will be subject to your own personal interpretation and we make no guarantee that you will achieve a particular outcome, result or experience. Sessions are intended for those over the age of 18 only. By booking a session you are confirming that you are over 18. 

Contact Anita Denise Psychic Medium Essex and London


To book a session, speak to Anita about her healing sessions, or book Anita for a demonstration or event, please contact Anita below ...

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Anita Denise Psychic Medium Essex and London
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Anita Denise Psychic Medium Essex and London