House Geomancy Readings


Houses Speak & I Speak Back


Houses can be old, new, listed buildings, large, small, bungalows or tall – whatever the age and size of the property – the land that the property is built upon is ancient so it holds memories and tells stories. As a house has more and more and different occupants living within it, it stores and holds negative energy that over time needs clearing.

As well as the actual house needing clearing, the land may have been used for sacred sites, burial grounds, wars etc, etc. Even underground streams that run under your house can affect the energy in your home due to the positive and negative ions accumulated.

Do you sometimes feel in your home or property that? …

  • Certain rooms hold a stagnant energy
  • Certain rooms are quite cold

  • Your relationships have suffered since you moved in 
  • Your motivation and positivity has waned since you moved in

  • You feel uneasy in this property

  • EMS = electromagnetic stress sensitivity – from modern day living is affecting you in this property
  • Geopathic stress – from ley lines and energy fields is evident

You may have a ‘feel’ that something isn’t right with your home. You may be moving furniture and pictures around or redecorating but are still unable to get the home to feel right.

New home – As a new homeowner you may desire to remove all the energies of the previous owners. Sometimes people have left their previous dwelling (your new home) for reasons that involve pain, suffering, regret and other negative emotions.

Sometimes your home has witnessed the turmoil in your own life such as a divorce/break up, a particularly grievous argument, or a death. Following such events is a good time to do a house clearing.

This can all be related to the energy of the home that you are living in.

How It Works

  • I require a plan of your home – it does not need to be official documents – you can draw it for me, but I need to know the layout of your space and the windows and the doors etc.
  • I then ask you what your issues are in your current house – how you are feeling?
  • We set the new intention – how you would like to feel in your home / office
  • I carry out the clearing and embed the new intention
House Geomancy Readings

This Is Done Either

  • Virtually – I create a crystal grid and through dowsing and my Clairvoyance I use remote viewing to ensure that the energies have been cleared and aligned
  • On the premises – I would use my Clairsentience to pick up on any feelings and physically dowse with rods and crystals to clear any energy

The Outcome

After the session you will feel …

– Lighter in energy

– Energetically aligned and the energy cleared and optimised for you

– More motivated

– Increased vitality and sleep better

– Increase the flow of abundance

– Improved relationships

– Peace of mind


Virtually = from £120 depending on the size of the property – POA

In person = POA depending on location and size of the property – if outside a 5 mile radius of my home I will charge travel time and expenses

To book your IN-PERSON House Geomancy session with Anita email

or for your online session…


All sessions that we provide are delivered for research, spiritual and entertainment purposes only and we do not warrant or guarantee the relevancy, accuracy or quality of any information provided during a session. Any outcomes or results can vary and will be subject to your own personal interpretation and we make no guarantee that you will achieve a particular outcome, result or experience. Sessions are intended for those over the age of 18 only. By booking a session you are confirming that you are over 18. 

Contact Anita Denise Psychic Medium Essex and London


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Anita Denise Psychic Medium Essex and London